
4x - 3y = -28x + 5y = 39 cant seem to be able to figure the answer for this​

Accepted Solution

value of x = -1 and value of y=8Step-by-step explanation:We need to solve the system of equations:[tex]4x - 3y = -28\,\,\,(1)\\x + 5y = 39\,\,\,(2)[/tex]Multiply eq(2) with 4 and subtract with eq(1)[tex]4x-3y=-28\\4x+20y=156\\-\,\,\,-\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,-\\--------\\-23y=-184\\y=\frac{-184}{-23}\\y=8[/tex]So, value of y=8Now, finding value of x by putting value of y in equation 2[tex]x+5y=39\\x+5(8)=39\\x+40=39\\x=39-40\\x=-1[/tex]So, value of x = -1value of x = -1 and value of y=8Keywords: System of Equations Learn more about System of Equations at: brainly.com/question/13168205 brainly.com/question/2115716 brainly.com/question/3739260 #learnwithBrainly