
You have base ten blocks for 2 hundreds, 2 tens, and 2 ones. Write all the different 3-digit numbers you could show.

Accepted Solution

The different 3-digit numbers which can be showed with the ten blocks for 2 hundreds, 2 tens, and 2 ones are,[tex]111, 121,112,211,222,212.[/tex]What is fact family?The fact family is the collection of facts of math using the same numbers. With 3 numbers in a fact family, we can form the total 4 math facts.For example, let there is 3 numbers we have as, number 5, number 3 and number 8. Using these three number, the math fact can be made as,[tex]5+3=8\\3+5=8\\8-5=3\\8-3=5[/tex]This fact family and math facts are used to understand the concept of addition and subtraction.There are total base ten blocks for 2 hundreds, 2 tens, and 2 ones. Write all the different 3-digit numbers you could show.With 1 block of hundred, 1 block of ten and one block of ones, the 3- digit number can be made is, [tex]111[/tex]Similarly, the 3-digit numbers which can be written using all the block are, 121,112,211,222,212.Hence, the different 3-digit numbers which can be showed with the ten blocks for 2 hundreds, 2 tens, and 2 ones are,[tex]111, 121,112,211,222,212.[/tex]Learn more about the fact family here: